Project Coaching

Project Coaching

PHMC Support Accelerates Progress and Secures Results

You have a specific project to launch, involving a change of attitudes, changes of responsibilities, new working practices or procedures. Sure, you could do it all yourself. But using the services of PHMC to assist, working in parallel with your senior team, takes the pressure off you and brings objectivity. 


There are a number of ways Paul Hesp can coach you for better results. any or all of the following could be appropriate.  You may want help to produce a new or refreshed strategy, or a marketing plan. Maybe to introduce new working practices. Maybe you're working on a management or whole workforce restructuring. Perhaps to introduce a complete culture change. We tailor PHMC input to match your particular aims or gaps. An external facilitator for the planning process can be valuable. Use me to challenge your plans, work with your team to make sure all bases are covered before you push the button. Another way is to use an additional pair of hands during implementation. I can facilitate teams independently working to your brief, helping them achieve better results, faster. Also, an external review at key stages is sound practice for all but the simplest of projects. Use PHMC to help you monitor progress, evaluate success, and challenge assumptions. Whatever you need, PHMC can slot in to your plans and projects.


A good question. There may be no need at all, but clients who use PHMC in a specific coaching assignment do so for one or more of several good reasons: 
  • The project is ambitious, and there could be serious risks if something is missed in the planning
  • You or your team lack some specific skills, expertise or experience, and need to bring them in, just temporarily
  • You or your team simply haven't enough time to manage a project well, what with having a business to run and all
  • The project is already underway but running into trouble
  • You want to enhance the rigour of project management with some external challenge.
Whatever it is, Paul Hesp is happy to explore how and if PHMC can add value to your plans. Confidentially. No obligation.
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